Team Cramp
Fall Y2K' Ride and Chili Cookoff

RP Chili
King Again!

aren't too sure about this entry?
Thanks to all who participated in the cook-off! We
had 14 entries this year in three categories (Chili, Beans, and
Mystery). (And, by the way, the entries were categorized by the
judges, so it's possible that while you may have thought you
made chili, the judges may have thought otherwise!) Special thanks
to Ed Davis, Frank Davis, Jack Huggins, and Superstar Heidi Murphy
for serving as this year's judges, and to Bill Evans for his
able assistance!
Congratulations to this year's winners: In
the Mystery Category, Dru Phelps won hands down with a delicious
crawfish etouffe. The Mystery runner-up was Randy Heideman with
a truly creative pot of turtle soup dressed with teeth and cap.
Fritz Wieghat was the winner in the Beans Category, returning
the title to Grimes County, with Bill Newkirk (and his assistant
J.R. Ott) as runners up. Randy Porter (the 1998 Chili Champion)
took the Chili Championship Title again for 2000! The runner
up in the Chili Category was the 1999 winner Mike Hance. The
Best Dressed Title this year went to Kevin Felle, who was last
seen riding into the sunset wearing his six shooter and vowing
never to remove his tiara!

Team Cramp
Jr. League

Huggy gets
a bribe before judging begins

Fritz consoles
Bedias beauty queen Heidi after her entry was disqualified

Texas meets
New York!

Bill and

The Meadow

Doing Their Thing

Pit Row
in The Meadow